Joint pain is a common entity in daily practice. its wide category requires accurate diagnosis and to find out the exact cause of joint pains.
there are the following reasons of joint pains by enlarge;
Life style
Calcium deficiency
Rheumatoid arthritis
History of injury to joints.
High uric acid
5 Homeopathic Remedies for Joint Pains
Rhus Tox is a great remedy for joint pains. I would rank it the number one homeopathic remedy for joint pains. Its indication for use is – the joint pains are worse after rest and the pains get slowly better after walking or moving around.
Bryonia Alba as the number two homeopathic remedy for joint pains. This medicine is more indicated when the pains are aggravated by motion and are relieved by rest. This is quite typical of osteoarthritis pains where the articular surface of joints have got eroded and are inflamed. Bryonia is also used when there is inflammation around the joints causing red hot swelling. It is to be used when the joint pains get worse from the least motion, complete rest brings relief to pains. Patients having thirst for a large quantity of water.
Ledum Pal this is indicated mainly in gout and is used more for pains in small joints when they are swollen hot and painful. The joint pain travels from below upwards:
Causticum will rank fourth on my list. It is indicated whenever there are severe tearing pains in limbs which is relieved by warmth, Cold increases all pains. The pain will increase mostly at night.
Arnica Montana stands fifth in the list with lameness and soreness all over the body as the key feature for it to be used as a homeopathic remedy for Joint pains. Arnica is indicated when there is extreme pain all over the body and every joint hurt. The whole body feels bruised and sore; as if it had been beaten with sticks. Arnica is also a great homeopathic remedy when the pain in joints is a result of a fall or injury.
Actea Spicata is one of the great homeopathic remedies for joint pains when the joints of the hands are affected. This medicine is really very useful when the wrist joint is involved. The main indications for the use of this medicine for joint pains are – Rheumatic pain in small joints of hands and wrist; Wrist is swollen hot and swell after the least exertion or movement /usage of hand. This medicine ranks sixth on my list for general pains but first on the list for wrist and hand pains. It is an excellent remedy for pain in finger joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Pulsatilla is an excellent homeopathic remedy for pain in joints especially when they are Shifting in nature. The pains move from one joint to the other. Another good medicine for Shifting joint pains is Phytolacca. This is indicated when there is shifting of joint pains and the shifting is so sudden the patient feels it like electric shocks.