Migraine is a type of chronic headache that usually occurs unilaterally and kind of throbbing pulsating headache. migraine accompanies nausea, vomiting, vertigo blurring of vision.
There are 2 types of migraine:
1.Migrain with an aura that has a gradual onset and the patient will feel zigzag and blurred vision before the actual headache starts.
2.Migrain without aura: which starts suddenly as a throbbing headache with other accompanying symptoms.
Homeopathic Medicines for Migraine
1. Belladonna
Belladonna can be very helpful for migraine headaches with intense throbbing, pulsating headache. Light noise motion cold air increases headaches. In others, ahead bath with cold water can bring on migraine headaches. Hard pressure over the head is the only way some relief is felt in such cases. Keynote for the use of Belladonna is the Sensation of fullness with a throbbing headache.
2. Glonoinum
Glonoinum is most helpful in treating migraine with excessive congestion in the head. The head feels very large as if it would burst. The eyeballs seem protruded. Extreme heaviness in the head is felt. Also, heat around the head is unbearable. Uncovering the head relieves the headache. The migraine also gets better with sleep while walking worsens the migraine headache. Apart from congestive headaches, Glonoinum is also the most suitable medicine for migraine headaches triggered by sun exposure.
3. Spigelia
Spigelia is the most effective medicine for left-sided migraine. It is indicated when the headache is located over the left temporal region, forehead, and eyes. In most cases, the pain begins in the occipital region of the head, extends upward, and settles over the left eye. The pain is violent, throbbing, and pulsating in nature. There is a sensation of a tight band around the head. Stooping seems to worsen the headache. Severe pain in the eyeballs may attend. The eye movement worsens this pain.
4. Sanguinaria Canadensis
Sanguinaria Canadensis is a wonderful medicine for right-sided migraine. The pain starts from the back of the head i.e. occiput, ascends, and settles over the right eye. Lying down quietly in a dark room brings relief. In some cases, sleep may relieve pain. Fasting (going without meals) often triggers a migraine headache in persons prescribed Sanguinaria Canadensis. It is prescribed when the headache starts in the morning, increases during the day, and lasts until sunset.
5. Iris Versicolor
Iris Versicolor is a most valuable medicine for migraine when attended with intense nausea, vomiting, or acidity. Burning may be noted in any part of the alimentary canal. Vomiting of acidic, sour, bitter nature is observed. Bitter, acrid, belching with intense burning behind the sternum and in the throat is well marked. Acidic stomach reflux leads to headaches. Headache with diarrhea signals prescription of Iris Versicolor. This medicine is also useful where migraine begins with a blur before the eyes.
6. Natrum Carbonicum
Other than Glonoinum, another medicine that shows quick and effective results in migraine headaches from sun exposure is Natrum Carbonicum. Vertigo appears along with headaches from sun exposure in such cases. The pressive headache is accompanied by the cloudiness of eyes. Heat in the head and congestion may be felt. Shooting pain in the forehead also suggests the use of Natrum Carbonicum.
7. Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum Muriaticum is the best prescription for migraine attacks that worsen around the menstrual cycle. The headache may be triggered before, during, or at the close of the menstrual cycle. Another unique symptom is migraine headache that starts with a sunrise, continues throughout the day, and vanishes after sunset. Also, in cases where the migraine headache feels like little hammers knocking on the brain, Natrum Muriaticum will help. Natrum Muriaticum is also the most suitable prescription for migraine headaches in school girls or in girls who are anaemic. It is also considered the best medicine where numbness or tingling is felt in the nose, tongue, or lips before the migraine attack. Has a craving for salt and aggravated by consolence.